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Reliable Dental Sleep Medicine in Toronto

Don’t Let Sleep Apnea Ruin Your Health and Sleep – Get Help Today!

Millions of people suffer from a condition known as obstructive sleep apnea, which literally means a “cessation of breath.” If your airway becomes obstructed while you sleep, it causes you to stop breathing. When you stop breathing, your body responds as if you’re suffocating. This means your brain realizes your lungs aren’t receiving oxygen and arouses you from the deeper stages of sleep (where the majority of rest occurs) so that it can force your throat and upper airway muscles to resume your breathing like normal. Because you don’t usually fully wake up, many sufferers don’t even realize this is happening to them every night. Over time, this chronic condition can lead to bigger health issues (high blood pressure, strokes, heart disease, etc.) and even death if it’s left untreated.

Common symptoms of sleep apnea include:


Gasping or choking sounds made during sleep

A Variety of Oral Appliances to Treat Sleep Apnea

One effective method of treatment to prevent sleep apnea is through oral appliance therapy. We at Dorval Dental practice dental sleep medicine in Toronto and are capable of fitting you with an oral appliance to help prevent your sleep apnea. First, you must be diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea by your physician. Once you have been diagnosed and have a consultation at our office, we will go over your oral appliance options designed to help prevent sleep apnea, which may include mandibular advancement devices and combination CPAP/dental sleep device therapy.

Sleep apnea is a medical condition. In order for a dentist to proceed with a treatment, a prescription for an intraoral device is needed from the patient’s physician or sleep doctor.

Mandibular advancement devices open your airway by moving your mandible (lower jaw) forward. A combination dental sleep device that’s worn in conjunction with a CPAP machine usually attaches directly to your CPAP machine so that you can use the machine at a lower pressure setting for increased comfort.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Richard Styka

Learn more about how oral appliance therapy can help with your obstructive sleep apnea in Toronto by paying a visit to Dr. Richard Styka and team at Dorval Dental. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

Any new patient who may require an intraoral device is welcome for a free consultation!


Prevent Snoring with Oral Appliance Therapy in Toronto

We’ve probably all heard the old nursery rhyme, “It’s raining, it’s pouring … the old man is snoring.” but how many of us actually know what snoring is or the health risks associated with snoring? Snoring is caused when your upper airway (nose and throat) is partially obstructed during sleep. This obstruction causes you to make a sound because of the narrowing of your airway, which causes a throat vibration. If you have enlarged tonsils, an enlarged tongue or extra weight around your neck area, you might be more prone to snoring than others. Snoring can be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (though not always), which can lead to serious health risks if left undiagnosed and untreated. Snoring without sleep apnea may indicate a risk for hypertension, daytime drowsiness, poor concentration and decreased energy levels because the sufferer isn’t sleeping restfully at night.


Thankfully, there are ways of preventing snoring, and they don’t always require invasive surgery. Dr. Richard Styka and staff at Dorval Dental are equipped to provide oral appliance therapy in Toronto to help prevent snoring and sleep apnea. Oral appliances are worn only during sleep and are custom-fitted to your mouth similar to a sports mouth guard or an orthodontic retainer. Oral appliances are comfortable and easy to wear and maintain. They’re also portable, which makes them convenient for travel. You’ll find that using your oral appliance nightly can help you alleviate your snoring symptoms and drastically improve your ability to sleep.

What to Expect during Oral Appliance Therapy

When you visit with your dentist to discuss the possibility of an oral appliance for snoring prevention, you’ll learn the benefits of treatment and go over the costs and any possible side effects. Then your dentist will complete an oral examination, studying your teeth, jaw, tongue and airways. Next, an impression of your teeth will be taken to customize an oral appliance for your mouth. Follow-up visits may be required to ensure a comfortable fit and to answer any questions you may have regarding maintenance and long-term treatment success.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Richard Styka

Contact Dorval Dental to find out more about how our dental options for snoring prevention work and to see if oral appliance therapy is the right form of treatment for you. Our office looks forward to helping you improve your sleep and your overall health.

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